Dose of Depth
This is Dose of Depth podcast. I’m your host, Deborah Lukovich, and I invite you to be curious about your unique experience of being human. In this podcast, we’ll explore the deeper meaning of ordinary life experiences through conversation, stories, and education. You might have a serious ah-ha moment, or you might be amused by the movie your life seems to be imitating, or you might just be entertained by one of my awkward stories. I’m hoping you’ll become more aware of those moments when a deeper part of you is prompting you to see things differently and maybe even go a new direction. So, let’s get started. Deborah
Dose of Depth
Chapter 11 - Emotions and Feelings - from my new book, Your Soul is Talking. Are You Listening?
My book seeks to empower you with the knowledge of how the unconscious speaks as well as a framework for exploring those messages, which come in many forms, including emotions and how we use feelings to label those emotions. This is the topic of Chapter 11.
Family gatherings are great opportunities to explore the deeper meaning of your emotions. What are your family gatherings like? For many, the predictability of drama creates great stress long before the holiday, Thanksgiving for example. You know your father is going to light that match, and your brother will oblige by taking the bait. It’s almost like they can’t help it. They really can’t. You’ll tell yourself that you can try to manage the tension or that you’ll try to ignore it, and you can’t seem to stop your predictable sobbing, which is the only thing that disrupts the movie that you’re all involuntarily living.
enjoy this introduction to how your emotions have more meaning than you realize.
Let’s get started . . .
Blog post: A One-Night Stand With Shame.
Deborah Lukovich, PhD
Check out more of my work at www.deborahlukovich.com, where you can also subscribe to receive notifications of new blog posts, podcast episodes, updates on my writing, and information about my coaching services and free mini-lessons.
Check out my new book, Your Soul is Talking. Are You Listening? 5 Steps to Uncovering Your Hidden Purpose. You can now buy it on www.bookshop.org if you're looking for an alternative to you know who (Amazon).
Follow me on Instagram @dlukovich and Twitter @deblukovich or become a friend on Facebook. Check out Soul Talk 101, a series of mini-lessons on how to explore your unconscious offered through my YouTube Channel.
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