Dose of Depth

Can Christianity Transcend Patriarchy? A Conversation with Feminist Christian Meghan Tschanz, author of Women Rising: Learning to Listen, Reclaiming Our Voice

Deborah Lukovich, PhD Season 1 Episode 4

In this episode, we explore the interconnectedness of patriarchy, Christian doctrine, and violence against women. You’re going to be inspired by my conversation with Meghan Tschanz, self-proclaimed feminist Christian, and author of Women Rising: Learning to Listen, Reclaiming Our Voice.

Fresh out of college, hating her job, and searching for meaning, Meghan left everything to join a mission trip. She befriended women around the globe who had survived sex trafficking, female genital mutilation, and extreme violence. 

She soon recognized that the systems of injustice that held women back everywhere were the very systems in which her childhood church had taught her to quietly accept and in which the church and she were complicit. 

Meghan’s book is a story of personal transformation that cannot be separated from the experiences of the women she met. I felt both inspired and emotionally drained. Having come of age in the 1980’s a time of great progress for women, the backlash that was born has only grown. 

Meghan is a modern-day version of those feminist women who were there at the very beginning fighting against the one-sidedly masculine version of Christian doctrine that was being written. 

You’re going to love this conversation! 

Here are some links to organizations and books that come up in the conversation: 

Justice Revival

Sacred Pleasure, Riane Eisler

Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women, Susan Faludi

Transforming a Rape Culture, edited by Pamela Fletcher, Martha Roth, and Eilie Buchwald  

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Thanks for listening and having the courage to explore the deeper meaning in your own life. 

Deborah Lukovich, PhD 

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