Dose of Depth

Yoga, C.G. Jung, and Midlife: A Conversation with Julie Breedlove Montemerlo, Certified Yoga Instructor and Owner of Wise Waves Wellness

Deborah Lukovich, PhD Season 1 Episode 18

In this episode, we’re going to be talking about yoga but not in the way you think. I have a conversation with Julie Breedlove Montemerlo, yoga teacher, music lover, mother, wife, optimist, marketing professional, and constant student of life. 

What do you know about yoga? It’s not religion as some fear, rather it’s a framework for approaching life. It’s an Eastern practice that found its way to the West because it filled a gap by providing something that people were hungry for. 

C.G. Jung, one of the founders of depth psychology, saw Eastern practices as a complement to the West’s overly masculine approach to life. The West’s focus on the external world vs. the East’s focus on the inner world he saw as incomplete on their own. 

What does this have to do with yoga? Many people find C.G. Jung and yoga at a pivotal time in their lives, a time when the one-sided masculine approach to life doesn’t serve them anymore. 

There seems to be a relationship between my experience of yoga and the phases of my midlife journey. I haven’t figured it all out yet, but you know how I love finding meaning and sharing it with others.

 I think this conversation will be a gift for you. 

To learn more about Julie, visit, and follow Julie on Instagram @wisewaveswellness.

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Thanks for listening and having the courage to explore the deeper meaning in your own life. 

Deborah Lukovich, PhD 

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